Sunday, October 3, 2010

Combo shopping

I was downtown Pierre the other week.  Downtown Pierre is a real metropolis…it’s a block long.  On both sides!!!

There I have found a cute little coffee shop, as in cappuccino coffee, called Pier 347.  No, there’s no pier…and it’s a couple blocks from the river, so maybe that counts.  On my treks “to town” to do my shopping, for groceries, and get my nails done (of course…there’s only so much roughing it I’m willing to do), I usually stop in for food, drink and some reading.

I had a certificate I wanted to get framed, and thought perhaps there would be a frame place somewhere downtown.  Nope.  But there was a scrapbook store, so I thought I’d ask there.  Nope.  But there is a framing store across the street I was told – inside the bookstore.  Of course…  So now there is not only the pharmacy/coffee shop/dry cleaner-pick-up store; but also the bookstore/frame shop next to Pier 347 which isn’t on a pier.  Sometimes it does feel like I’m in Oz.

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